Tag Archives: lower back pain squats

Lower Back Rounding at Bottom of Squat (Butt Wink)

squats lower back painThe  do air how’s it going to israel also building coach the UK or. And today I got a question from what I Facebook followers and he’s asking about swine. And this is Lee life but rounds at the bottom line do ass to the ground slots. Is this natural and safe or can it hurt my back when I okay. Please reply. Alright this

Issue of having your lower back search around as you break parallel seeking for false while. Is actually a very common scenario. Now as you can see in the video clip. My lower back is actually rounding in the bottom of the squat. So I have in slow motion here to make. It easier to see but as I squat down you’ll

Notice that my lower back to I start to lose that arch and my butt actually dips down a bit. And this is known as a but week that’s what they call it know when you’re sliding the Kala but Wade. And basically what this is caused from is having tight hamstrings. Especially in the glued hamstring tying area and as you seemed down your hamstrings are literally pulling your butt underneath. And it causes you to lose that lower back arch. Now this is something that i’ve been working on steroids for sale trying to correct myself. Because I naturally have that a I guess rounding above the lower back by Squire d. But it hasn’t bothered me it hasn’t caused 18 back problems war pain or discomfort and i’ve been squatting like this for quite a long time. But I have been taking some I guess preventative measures to try and correct it. Because you do lose a bit of power at the bottom your squat when your lower back grounds. So as you can see here now in this video clip this is my improvement. So there’s still a little bit a flattening out of the lower back. But it’s not quite as severe and there’s not as much a bet but wind where the butt gets polled under as it was in the previous video clip. Now the exercises that have been working on to try and prove this. Is for stop stretching out your hamstrings. And a great stretch that you can do is simply to place one foot an exercise bench as I’m doing here and lean forward. Is kinda like a hurdler stretch and lean forward and really focus on feeling that stretch rates read the glutes and hamstrings and that clue hamstring tie in area. Because that’s the area that’s very tied and it’s causing were but to get pole under. As you squat down deep. Now another exercise or another stretch it should say that you can do. Is to simply practice sinking into a full squad and holding that position. So you seem down keep your elbows against inside your knees for Shimizu y and really feel your whole hips and hamstrings and glutes just feel that stretch position there and hold is to help stretch out those muscles. And to help strengthen your lower back your leads in your hamstrings. You should include good mornings as part of your workout routine. Now for this one I’m getting Patricia who’s my better half and workout partner. She’s gonna demonstrate this one cuz quite frankly. She has a much nicer ass than I do. And it’s going to make this video more visually appealing. But this is a fantastic exercise and it works the entire posterior chain. So you’re working your lower back helping to maintain that arch you’re working your glutes and you’re working your hamstrings. And you’re also stretching their. So this move here is going to help to prevent that lower back rounding in the bottom of the squat. Now if you haven’t done this movement 24 and it’s not a very common move in most fitness gyms. What I would suggest is that you start off with Justin MD barbell and get used to doing the movement get used to go to the range of motion and then progress gradually as you feel stronger. But you don’t want to rush this one cuz RC don’t want to risk a back injury but it’s a great exercise to build up those muscles to help supplement your squad. So there you go hope that helps answer your question and hey other asked me questions were your suggestions please feel free to post in the house follow and i’ll check it out there. In the meantime have yourself a fantastic day i’ll talk is take care over house.